Ford 2012 Focus in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Global Focus – Grand Rapids Woman Chosen to Drive for a Difference

March 23rd, 2011

Grand Rapids’ own Laura Dillivan was one of fifty “test drivers” selected worldwide to test drive the new Ford Focus for six weeks in its Global Focus campaign. As a winner, she’s been given $10,000 to donate to the local charity of her choice, a trip to Spain where she got to spend time behind the wheel of the 2012 Focus with GT2 Champion and Le Mans vet Justin Bell, and most recently, a 2012 Focus to power up her drive for charity. Laura chose Koinonia, a homegrown Grand Rapids aid project that supplies clean solar light to areas of Africa to reduce reliance on kerosene, improve health, and give communities the opportunity for literacy and entrepreneurship. Watch this video of the delivery of her Focus loaner earlier this month, and stay tuned for more updates, including a special evening at Borgman Ford Mazda on April 16th.


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